There’s nothing quite like a competition. Whether it’s just a friendly face-off or there are real prizes up for grabs, we love competitive play of any kind, even if the input required of us is minimal. Competition is what drives many of us to achieve things in life and to strive towards ever-greater heights, but we’re not talking about that kind of competition today.
No, instead, we’re talking about the kind of competition we offer here at CompetitionGo; the chance to win real prizes including the latest tech, your dream vehicle, and much, much more. Competition sites are taking off in a big way and have been steadily increasing in popularity, so today, we’re asking why that is. Here’s why competition websites are so popular in 2021.
Tech these days is expensive; that’s no secret. If you want the latest and greatest devices, you’ll often need to pay eye-watering amounts of money. Competition sites give you the chance to win these devices as prizes, and all they ask is a nominal fee to cover the price of entry to the competition. Your competition could reward you with a gaming console, a new car, or even a tax-free cash lump sum, and there’s barely any expense involved on your part. It’s a no-brainer!
Most competition websites, including CompetitionGo, will run a diverse and varied range of competitions with lots of different prizes up for grabs. This means that if you don’t immediately see something that tickles your fancy, you’re bound to discover something if you just have a glance through the rest of our competitions. Even if you’re not tech-savvy, there will always be something that appeals to you, and if the current crop of competitions doesn’t yield anything, just check back later for more chances to win amazing prizes.
The best competition websites will reassure you constantly that your transaction is safe and your prize is protected. Too often, we hear horror stories of prizes going missing or being stolen by site staff, as well as user data being compromised and stolen for nefarious purposes, but that will never happen with the most reputable and reliable competition platforms. Rest assured that if you play with CompetitionGo, your transactions are completely secure and you won’t need to worry about what happens to your ticket fee (or your prize, if you’re lucky enough to win it!).
Competition websites are also popular because they offer users the chance to vastly increase their odds of winning by purchasing multiple entries. We cap our entries at 100 to give other users a fair chance, but the more entries you buy, the better the chance you’ll have. This doesn’t mean you don’t stand to win if you decide not to purchase extra entries, of course – it just means that if you want to spend a little extra in order to push yourself forward just that little bit more, you can! That’s the freedom great competition sites offer.
There’s pretty much no dispute that Trustpilot is a force for good in the world. Platforms should always look at having a Trustpilot presence because it allows customers to honestly and organically raise the profile of honest businesses while decrying others as shams or frauds. If you go with a reputable competition provider like CompetitionGo, you’ll find a Trustpilot page full of positive reviews, with customers extolling the virtues of competitions they’ve won. Of course, you’ll always find the odd bogus negative review, but on the whole, competition websites being accountable to their customers is a very good thing.
Although it is certainly possible to purchase more entries in order to improve your chances of winning, this doesn’t guarantee you as the victor by any means. Our prize draws are completely fair; we don’t take anything into account other than luck when we draw the winner, and any other reliable competition website should be able to say the same. This is what makes competition platforms so much fun; you know that you don’t need special skills, reflexes, or knowledge in order to emerge victorious. You just need to be lucky!
Just like our process for picking winners is completely random, so we absolutely do not discriminate when it comes to entrants. Anybody can enter one of our competitions, and this should be the same for every other competition platform as well. This is yet another reason why competition websites are gathering steam in popularity terms; they’re the great leveller, allowing anyone to join in the fun regardless of background or current situation. Competitions can be an excellent way to bring the community together in hopes of winning fantastic prizes!
Here at CompetitionGo, we accept any major type of credit or debit card. We also use the payment processing system Paytriot, which is renowned for its security and safety. No matter what kind of card you have, you’re able to take part in our competitions. It’s fair to say that competition sites are growing in popularity in part because they’re universal in terms of payment systems, and while we don’t take payment from non-card platforms, this is simply to ensure maximum safety while you play with us!